Table of Contents

Graph algorithms

  1. Edmonds Karp Max Flow Algorithm
  2. Floyd Warshall All Pair Shortest Path Algorithm
  3. Kruskal's algorithm

Data Structures

  1. SQRT Decomposition Data Structure
  2. Mo's Algo
  3. Disjoint_Set Union find

Edmonds_Karp.cpp 1/6

    Implementation of Edmonds-Karp max flow algorithm
    Running time:
        - add edges by add_edge()
        - call max_flow() to get maximum flow in the graph
        - n, number of nodes
        - directed, true if the graph is directed
        - graph, constructed using add_edge()
        - source, sink
        - Maximum flow
    Tested Problems:
      	653D - Delivery Bears
        820 - Internet Bandwidth
        10330 - Power Transmission

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int INF = 1e9;

struct edmonds_karp {
    int n;
    vector < int > par;
    vector < bool > vis;
    vector < vector < int > > graph;

    edmonds_karp () {}
    edmonds_karp( int _n ) : n( _n ), par( _n ), vis( _n ), graph( _n, vector< int > ( _n, 0 ) ) {}
    ~edmonds_karp() {}

    void add_edge( int from, int to, int cap, bool directed ) {
        this->graph[ from ][ to ] += cap;
        this->graph[ to ][ from ] = directed ? graph[ to ][ from ] + cap : graph[ to ][ from ] ;

    bool bfs( int src, int sink ) {
        int u;
        fill( vis.begin(), vis.end(), false );
        fill( par.begin(), par.end(), -1 );
        vis[ src ] = true;
        queue < int > q;
        q.push( src );
        while( !q.empty() ) {
            u = q.front();
            if( u == sink ) return true;
            for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                if( graph[u][i] > 0 and not vis[i] ) {
                    q.push( i );
                    vis[ i ] = true;
                    par[ i ] = u;
        return par[ sink ] != -1;

    int min_val( int i ) {
        int ret = INF;
        for( ; par[ i ] != -1; i = par[ i ] ) {
            ret = min( ret, graph[ par[i] ][ i ] );
        return ret;

    void augment_path( int val, int i ) {
        for( ; par[ i ] != -1; i = par[ i ] ) {
            graph[ par[i] ][ i ] -= val;
            graph[ i ][ par[i] ] += val;

    int max_flow( int src, int sink ) {
        int min_cap, ret = 0;
        while( bfs( src, sink ) ) {
            augment_path( min_cap = min_val( sink ), sink );
            ret += min_cap;
        return ret;

Floyed_Warshall.cpp 2/6

    Implementation of Floyd Warshall Alogrithm
    Running time:
        O( |v| ^ 3 )
        - n, number vertex
        - graph, inputed as an adjacency matrix
    Tested Problems:
        544 - Heavy Cargo - MaxiMin path
        567 - Risk - APSP

using vi = vector < int >;
using vvi = vector < vi >;

/// mat[i][i] = 0, mat[i][j] = distance from i to j, path[i][j] = i
void APSP( vvi &mat, vvi &path ) {

    int V = mat.size();
    for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {

        for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {

            for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {

                if( mat[ from ][ via ] + mat[ via ][ to ] < mat[ from ][ to ] ) {
                    mat[ from ][ to ] = mat[ from ][ via ] + mat[ via ][ to ];
                    path[ from ][ to ] = path[ via ][ to ];

/// prints the path from i to j
void print( int i, int j ) {
    if( i != j ) {
        print( i, path[i][j] );
    cout << j << "\n";

/// check if negative cycle exists
bool negative_cycle( vvi &mat ) {
    APSP( mat );
    return mat[0][0] < 0;

void transtitive_closure( vvi &mat ) {

    int V = mat.size();
    for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {

        for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {

            for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {

                mat[ from ][ to ] |= ( mat[ from ][ via ] & mat[ via ][ to ] );

/// finding a path between two nodes that maximizes the minimum cost
void mini_max( vvi &mat ) {

    int V = mat.size();
    for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {

        for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {

            for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {

                mat[ from ][ to ] = min( mat[ from ][ to ], max( mat[ from ][ via ], mat[ via ][ to ] ) );

/// finding a path between two nodes that minimizes the maximum cost
/// eg: max load a truck can carry from one node to another node where
/// the paths have weight limit
void maxi_min( vvi &mat ) {

    int V = mat.size();
    for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {

        for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {

            for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {

                mat[ from ][ to ] = max( mat[ from ][ to ], min( mat[ from ][ via ], mat[ via ][ to ] ) );

Kruskal.cpp 3/6

    Implementation of Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm
    Running time:
        - initialize by calling init()
        - add edges by add_edge()
        - call kruskal() to generate minimum spanning tree
        - n, number of nodes, provided when init() is called
        - graph, constructed using add_edge()
        - weight of minimum spanning tree
        - prints the mst
    Tested Problems:
            1208 - Oreon

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

struct edge {
    int u, v, cost;
    bool operator < (const edge& other) const{
        if( other.cost == this->cost ) {
        if( other.u == this->u ) {
            return other.v > this->v;
        } else {
            return other.u > this->u;
        } else {
            return other.cost > this->cost;

vector< edge > edges;
vector < int > par, cnt, rank;
int N;

void init( int n ) {
    N = n;
    par.resize( n );
    cnt.resize( n );
    rank.resize( n );

void add_edge( int u, int v, int c ) {
    edges.push_back( { u, v, c } );

void make_set() {
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        par[i] = i;
        cnt[i] = 1;
        rank[i] = 0;

int find_rep( int x ) {
    if(x != par[ x ]) {
        par[ x ] = find_rep( par[ x ] );
    return par[ x ];

int kruskal() {
    int ret = 0;
    sort( edges.begin(), edges.end() );
    cout << "Case " << ++cs << ":\n";
    for( edge e : edges ) {
        int u = e.u;
        int v = e.v;
        if( ( u = find_rep( u ) ) != ( v = find_rep( v ) ) ) {
            if( rank[ u ] < rank[ v ] ) {
                cnt[ v ] += cnt[ u ];
                par[ u ] = par[ v ];
            } else {
                rank[ u ] = max( rank[ u ], rank[ v ] + 1 );
                cnt[ u ] += cnt[ v ];
                par[ v ] = par[ u ];
            cout << city[ e.u ] << "-" << city[ e.v ] << " " << e.cost << "\n";
            ret += e.cost;
    return ret;

SQRT_Decomposition.cpp 4/6

    Implementation of SQRT-Decomposition Data Structure
    Running time:
        O( ( n + q ) * sqrt( n ) * f() )
        - call int() to initialize the array
        - call update() to update the element in a position
        - call query() to get ans from segment [L...R]
        - n, number of elements
        - n elements
        - q queries
    Tested Problems:
        1082 - Array Queries
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int mx = 1e5 + 1;
const int sz = 1e3 + 1;
const int inf = 1e9;
int n, q, t, cs, x, y;
int BLOCKS[sz];
int ar[mx];

int getID( int idx ) {
    return idx / BLOCK_SIZE;

void init() {
    for( int i=0; i<sz; i++ ) BLOCKS[i] = inf;

void update( int idx, int val ) {
    int id = getID( idx );
    BLOCKS[id] = min( val, BLOCKS[id] );

int query( int l, int r ) {
    int le = getID( l );
    int ri = getID( r );
    int ret = inf;

    if( le == ri ) {
        for( int i=l; i<=r; i++ ) {
            ret = min( ret, ar[i] );
        return ret;

    for( int i=l; i<(le+1)*BLOCK_SIZE; i++ ) ret = min( ret, ar[i] );
    for( int i=le+1; i<ri; i++ ) ret = min( ret, BLOCKS[i] );
    for( int i=ri*BLOCK_SIZE; i<=r; i++ ) ret = min( ret, ar[i] );

    return ret;

int main() {
    #ifdef LU_SERIOUS
        freopen( "in.txt", "r", stdin );
//        freopen( "out.txt", "w+", stdout );
    #endif // LU_SERIOUS
    scanf( "%d", &t );
    for( cs=1; cs<=t; cs++ ) {
        scanf( "%d %d", &n, &q );
        BLOCK_SIZE = sqrt( n );
        for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
            scanf( "%d", &ar[i] );
            update( i, ar[i] );
        printf( "Case %d:\n", cs );
        for( int i=0; i<q; i++ ) {
            scanf( "%d %d", &x, &y );
            printf( "%d\n", query( x-1, y-1 ) );
    return 0;

Mo's_Algo.cpp 5/6

    Implementation of Mo's Algo with SQRT-Decomposition Data Structure
    Running time:
        O( ( n + q ) * sqrt( n ) * f() )
    Mo's Algo is a algorithm to process queries offline
    For it to work, this condition must be satisified:
        1) There can be no updates in the array
        2) All queries must be known beforehand
    Tested Problems:
        220B - Little Elephant and Array
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

using piii = pair < pair < int, int >, int >;
const int mx = 1e5 + 1;
int n, m;
int calc;
int ar[mx];
int ans[mx];
unordered_map < int, int > cnt;
piii query[mx];

struct {
    bool operator()( const piii &a, const piii &b ) {
        int block_a = a.first.first / BLOCK_SIZE;
        int block_b = b.first.first / BLOCK_SIZE;
        if( block_a != block_b ) {
            return block_a < block_b;
        return a.first.second < b.first.second;
} cmp;

void add( int x ) {
    calc -= ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );
    calc += ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );

void remove( int x ) {
    calc -= ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );
    calc += ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );

int main() {
    #ifdef LU_SERIOUS
        freopen( "in.txt", "r", stdin );
//        freopen( "out.txt", "w+", stdout );
    #endif // LU_SERIOUS
    while( ~scanf( "%d %d", &n, &m ) ) {

        BLOCK_SIZE = sqrt( n );
        calc = 0;

        for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) scanf( "%d", ar+i );

        for( int i=0; i<m; i++ ) {
            scanf( "%d %d", &query[i].first.first, &query[i].first.second );
            query[i].second = i;

        sort( query, query+m, cmp );

        int mo_l = 0, mo_r = -1;

        for( int i=0; i<m; i++ ) {
            int left = query[i].first.first - 1;
            int right = query[i].first.second - 1;

            while( mo_r < right ) {
                add( ar[mo_r] );

            while( mo_r > right ) {
                remove( ar[mo_r] );

            while( mo_l < left ) {
                remove( ar[mo_l] );

            while( mo_l > left ) {
                add( ar[mo_l] );

            ans[ query[i].second ] = calc;

        for( int i=0; i<m; i++ ) {
            printf( "%d\n", ans[i] );
    return 0;

Disjoint_Set.cpp 6/6

    Implementation of Disjoint-Set Union Data Structure
    Running time:
        - call make_set() to reset the set
        - call find_rep() to get the set of the vertex
        - call union_() to merge to sets
        - n, number of sets
    Tested Problems:
        10608 - Friends
        11503 - Virtual Friends
        10583 - Ubiquitous Religions

struct Disjoint_Set {
    int n;
    vector < int > par, cnt, rank;

    Disjoint_Set( int n ) : n(n), rank(n), par(n), cnt(n) {}

    void make_set() {
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
            par[i] = i;
            cnt[i] = 1;
            rank[i] = 0;

    int find_rep( int x ) {
        if(x != par[ x ]) {
            par[ x ] = find_rep( par[ x ] );
        return par[ x ];

    int union_( int u, int v ) {
        if( ( u = find_rep( u ) ) != ( v = find_rep( v ) ) ) {
            if( rank[ u ] < rank[ v ] ) {
                cnt[ v ] += cnt[ u ];
                par[ u ] = par[ v ];
                return cnt[v];
            } else {
                rank[ u ] = max( rank[ u ], rank[ v ] + 1 );
                cnt[ u ] += cnt[ v ];
                par[ v ] = par[ u ];
        return cnt[u];

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