Table of Contents
Graph algorithms
- Edmonds Karp Max Flow Algorithm
- Floyd Warshall All Pair Shortest Path Algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm
Data Structures
- SQRT Decomposition Data Structure
- Mo's Algo
- Disjoint_Set Union find
Edmonds_Karp.cpp 1/6
Implementation of Edmonds-Karp max flow algorithm
Running time:
- add edges by add_edge()
- call max_flow() to get maximum flow in the graph
- n, number of nodes
- directed, true if the graph is directed
- graph, constructed using add_edge()
- source, sink
- Maximum flow
Tested Problems:
653D - Delivery Bears
820 - Internet Bandwidth
10330 - Power Transmission
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INF = 1e9;
struct edmonds_karp {
int n;
vector < int > par;
vector < bool > vis;
vector < vector < int > > graph;
edmonds_karp () {}
edmonds_karp( int _n ) : n( _n ), par( _n ), vis( _n ), graph( _n, vector< int > ( _n, 0 ) ) {}
~edmonds_karp() {}
void add_edge( int from, int to, int cap, bool directed ) {
this->graph[ from ][ to ] += cap;
this->graph[ to ][ from ] = directed ? graph[ to ][ from ] + cap : graph[ to ][ from ] ;
bool bfs( int src, int sink ) {
int u;
fill( vis.begin(), vis.end(), false );
fill( par.begin(), par.end(), -1 );
vis[ src ] = true;
queue < int > q;
q.push( src );
while( !q.empty() ) {
u = q.front();
if( u == sink ) return true;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if( graph[u][i] > 0 and not vis[i] ) {
q.push( i );
vis[ i ] = true;
par[ i ] = u;
return par[ sink ] != -1;
int min_val( int i ) {
int ret = INF;
for( ; par[ i ] != -1; i = par[ i ] ) {
ret = min( ret, graph[ par[i] ][ i ] );
return ret;
void augment_path( int val, int i ) {
for( ; par[ i ] != -1; i = par[ i ] ) {
graph[ par[i] ][ i ] -= val;
graph[ i ][ par[i] ] += val;
int max_flow( int src, int sink ) {
int min_cap, ret = 0;
while( bfs( src, sink ) ) {
augment_path( min_cap = min_val( sink ), sink );
ret += min_cap;
return ret;
Floyed_Warshall.cpp 2/6
Implementation of Floyd Warshall Alogrithm
Running time:
O( |v| ^ 3 )
- n, number vertex
- graph, inputed as an adjacency matrix
Tested Problems:
544 - Heavy Cargo - MaxiMin path
567 - Risk - APSP
using vi = vector < int >;
using vvi = vector < vi >;
/// mat[i][i] = 0, mat[i][j] = distance from i to j, path[i][j] = i
void APSP( vvi &mat, vvi &path ) {
int V = mat.size();
for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {
for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {
for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {
if( mat[ from ][ via ] + mat[ via ][ to ] < mat[ from ][ to ] ) {
mat[ from ][ to ] = mat[ from ][ via ] + mat[ via ][ to ];
path[ from ][ to ] = path[ via ][ to ];
/// prints the path from i to j
void print( int i, int j ) {
if( i != j ) {
print( i, path[i][j] );
cout << j << "\n";
/// check if negative cycle exists
bool negative_cycle( vvi &mat ) {
APSP( mat );
return mat[0][0] < 0;
void transtitive_closure( vvi &mat ) {
int V = mat.size();
for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {
for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {
for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {
mat[ from ][ to ] |= ( mat[ from ][ via ] & mat[ via ][ to ] );
/// finding a path between two nodes that maximizes the minimum cost
void mini_max( vvi &mat ) {
int V = mat.size();
for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {
for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {
for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {
mat[ from ][ to ] = min( mat[ from ][ to ], max( mat[ from ][ via ], mat[ via ][ to ] ) );
/// finding a path between two nodes that minimizes the maximum cost
/// eg: max load a truck can carry from one node to another node where
/// the paths have weight limit
void maxi_min( vvi &mat ) {
int V = mat.size();
for( int via=0; via; via<V; i++ ) {
for( int from=0; from<V; from++ ) {
for( int to=0; to<V; to++ ) {
mat[ from ][ to ] = max( mat[ from ][ to ], min( mat[ from ][ via ], mat[ via ][ to ] ) );
Kruskal.cpp 3/6
Implementation of Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm
Running time:
- initialize by calling init()
- add edges by add_edge()
- call kruskal() to generate minimum spanning tree
- n, number of nodes, provided when init() is called
- graph, constructed using add_edge()
- weight of minimum spanning tree
- prints the mst
Tested Problems:
1208 - Oreon
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct edge {
int u, v, cost;
bool operator < (const edge& other) const{
if( other.cost == this->cost ) {
if( other.u == this->u ) {
return other.v > this->v;
} else {
return other.u > this->u;
} else {
return other.cost > this->cost;
vector< edge > edges;
vector < int > par, cnt, rank;
int N;
void init( int n ) {
N = n;
par.resize( n );
cnt.resize( n );
rank.resize( n );
void add_edge( int u, int v, int c ) {
edges.push_back( { u, v, c } );
void make_set() {
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
par[i] = i;
cnt[i] = 1;
rank[i] = 0;
int find_rep( int x ) {
if(x != par[ x ]) {
par[ x ] = find_rep( par[ x ] );
return par[ x ];
int kruskal() {
int ret = 0;
sort( edges.begin(), edges.end() );
cout << "Case " << ++cs << ":\n";
for( edge e : edges ) {
int u = e.u;
int v = e.v;
if( ( u = find_rep( u ) ) != ( v = find_rep( v ) ) ) {
if( rank[ u ] < rank[ v ] ) {
cnt[ v ] += cnt[ u ];
par[ u ] = par[ v ];
} else {
rank[ u ] = max( rank[ u ], rank[ v ] + 1 );
cnt[ u ] += cnt[ v ];
par[ v ] = par[ u ];
cout << city[ e.u ] << "-" << city[ e.v ] << " " << e.cost << "\n";
ret += e.cost;
return ret;
SQRT_Decomposition.cpp 4/6
Implementation of SQRT-Decomposition Data Structure
Running time:
O( ( n + q ) * sqrt( n ) * f() )
- call int() to initialize the array
- call update() to update the element in a position
- call query() to get ans from segment [L...R]
- n, number of elements
- n elements
- q queries
Tested Problems:
1082 - Array Queries
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int mx = 1e5 + 1;
const int sz = 1e3 + 1;
const int inf = 1e9;
int n, q, t, cs, x, y;
int BLOCKS[sz];
int ar[mx];
int getID( int idx ) {
return idx / BLOCK_SIZE;
void init() {
for( int i=0; i<sz; i++ ) BLOCKS[i] = inf;
void update( int idx, int val ) {
int id = getID( idx );
BLOCKS[id] = min( val, BLOCKS[id] );
int query( int l, int r ) {
int le = getID( l );
int ri = getID( r );
int ret = inf;
if( le == ri ) {
for( int i=l; i<=r; i++ ) {
ret = min( ret, ar[i] );
return ret;
for( int i=l; i<(le+1)*BLOCK_SIZE; i++ ) ret = min( ret, ar[i] );
for( int i=le+1; i<ri; i++ ) ret = min( ret, BLOCKS[i] );
for( int i=ri*BLOCK_SIZE; i<=r; i++ ) ret = min( ret, ar[i] );
return ret;
int main() {
freopen( "in.txt", "r", stdin );
// freopen( "out.txt", "w+", stdout );
#endif // LU_SERIOUS
scanf( "%d", &t );
for( cs=1; cs<=t; cs++ ) {
scanf( "%d %d", &n, &q );
BLOCK_SIZE = sqrt( n );
for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
scanf( "%d", &ar[i] );
update( i, ar[i] );
printf( "Case %d:\n", cs );
for( int i=0; i<q; i++ ) {
scanf( "%d %d", &x, &y );
printf( "%d\n", query( x-1, y-1 ) );
return 0;
Mo's_Algo.cpp 5/6
Implementation of Mo's Algo with SQRT-Decomposition Data Structure
Running time:
O( ( n + q ) * sqrt( n ) * f() )
Mo's Algo is a algorithm to process queries offline
For it to work, this condition must be satisified:
1) There can be no updates in the array
2) All queries must be known beforehand
Tested Problems:
220B - Little Elephant and Array
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using piii = pair < pair < int, int >, int >;
const int mx = 1e5 + 1;
int n, m;
int calc;
int ar[mx];
int ans[mx];
unordered_map < int, int > cnt;
piii query[mx];
struct {
bool operator()( const piii &a, const piii &b ) {
int block_a = a.first.first / BLOCK_SIZE;
int block_b = b.first.first / BLOCK_SIZE;
if( block_a != block_b ) {
return block_a < block_b;
return a.first.second < b.first.second;
} cmp;
void add( int x ) {
calc -= ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );
calc += ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );
void remove( int x ) {
calc -= ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );
calc += ( cnt[x] == x ? 1 : 0 );
int main() {
freopen( "in.txt", "r", stdin );
// freopen( "out.txt", "w+", stdout );
#endif // LU_SERIOUS
while( ~scanf( "%d %d", &n, &m ) ) {
BLOCK_SIZE = sqrt( n );
calc = 0;
for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) scanf( "%d", ar+i );
for( int i=0; i<m; i++ ) {
scanf( "%d %d", &query[i].first.first, &query[i].first.second );
query[i].second = i;
sort( query, query+m, cmp );
int mo_l = 0, mo_r = -1;
for( int i=0; i<m; i++ ) {
int left = query[i].first.first - 1;
int right = query[i].first.second - 1;
while( mo_r < right ) {
add( ar[mo_r] );
while( mo_r > right ) {
remove( ar[mo_r] );
while( mo_l < left ) {
remove( ar[mo_l] );
while( mo_l > left ) {
add( ar[mo_l] );
ans[ query[i].second ] = calc;
for( int i=0; i<m; i++ ) {
printf( "%d\n", ans[i] );
return 0;
Disjoint_Set.cpp 6/6
Implementation of Disjoint-Set Union Data Structure
Running time:
- call make_set() to reset the set
- call find_rep() to get the set of the vertex
- call union_() to merge to sets
- n, number of sets
Tested Problems:
10608 - Friends
11503 - Virtual Friends
10583 - Ubiquitous Religions
struct Disjoint_Set {
int n;
vector < int > par, cnt, rank;
Disjoint_Set( int n ) : n(n), rank(n), par(n), cnt(n) {}
void make_set() {
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
par[i] = i;
cnt[i] = 1;
rank[i] = 0;
int find_rep( int x ) {
if(x != par[ x ]) {
par[ x ] = find_rep( par[ x ] );
return par[ x ];
int union_( int u, int v ) {
if( ( u = find_rep( u ) ) != ( v = find_rep( v ) ) ) {
if( rank[ u ] < rank[ v ] ) {
cnt[ v ] += cnt[ u ];
par[ u ] = par[ v ];
return cnt[v];
} else {
rank[ u ] = max( rank[ u ], rank[ v ] + 1 );
cnt[ u ] += cnt[ v ];
par[ v ] = par[ u ];
return cnt[u];
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